Together with Dr. Omer Mei Dan (Orthopedic Surgeon, School of Medicine University of Colorado Denver) and Robin Shandas (Chair of Bioengineering, University of Colorado Denver), we founded MITA to commercialize a traction frame for arthroscopic hip surgery. After over 500 successful surgeries, the company was acquired by Stryker in October of 2016. Now, the Pivot Guardian is available for sale nationally and internationally to improve patient outcomes during arthroscopic hip surgery.
Together with Levin Sliker (CEO and co-founder), Stephen Huddle (CTO and co-founder), and Richard Weir (President), we established Point Designs LLC in 2016 in order to commercialize prosthetic technology produced in the Biomechatronics Development Laboratory. The flagship product, the Point Digit, is a heavy-duty prosthetic finger for partial hand amputees.
Infinite Biomedical Technologies LLC is a renowned prosthetic limb component manufacturer based in Baltimore, MD. With strong ties to Johns Hopkins University, the company translates technology from the lab to the clinic. We collaborate with IBT on many projects including the commercialization of postural control algorithm.